This is not how I envisage my Lego cake to look. In my mind, I was visualising a picture perfect Lego cake with straight perpendicular sides and a smooth matte blue marzipan surface. And under the boyish Lego exterior will be a cake with a contrasting girlish name, Princess Cake (aka Prinsesstårta).
I admit that the problem started when I was rolling out the marzipan. I realised that the 250gram packet of marzipan is not going to be enough to cover the whole cake. But I didn’t want to buy another pack. So I thought I could get away with it if I roll the marzipan really thin. And oh boy, I was really stretching it. Holes started appearing near the edges. It did occur to me at one stage that I should perhaps re-roll the marzipan. But in my head, I was thinking that I can patch up the holes later with the scrap bits. I had a vision that the patches will somewhat miraculously blend in flawlessly into the marzipan, and it will be like the holes were never there before.
I’m delusional like that. Or should I say optimistic? Right now, I’m thinking maybe with some serious food styling and great photography, you will not even notice the holes and patches, and that the cake is not at all curve around the edges. And it is not going to be mistaken for just a blue rectangular block with six lumps.
I surprised J (the birthday man and my food critic) with the cake. He took a while to admire my handiwork, and then asked why there is yellow liquid leaking through the small holes and gaps that I didn’t bother to patch up. Sound gross, but it’s actually vanilla custard. Maybe this is a cake for the Halloween instead.
We laughed and ate the cake. Well, at least it tastes good.
Lego Princess Cake
To make princess cake:
I got the recipe for the princess cake from semiswede. If you are thinking of making princess cake, I highly recommend to try this out. It's really good.
To assemble:
The recipe above is enough to make 2 numbers of thin 30cm x 19cm sponge layers. Cut out 3 numbers of 19cm x 12cm rectangles, and 12 numbers of 3.5cm diameter circles.
To assemble, reserve a cup of vanilla custard and set aside. Spread a layer of jam over the bottom rectangle sponge layer and spread over half the vanilla custard on top of the jam. Add the next sponge layer, then spread rest of the vanilla custard on the sponge layer and cover with whipped cream. Add last rectangle sponge layer. Cover with marzipan.
Spread a layer of jam over the bottom of a circle sponge layer. Spread over a tablespoon of vanilla custard over the jam and top with another circle sponge layer. Cover with marzipan. Brush bottom of cake with jam and place on top of assembled rectangle cake. Repeat 5 more times.
You're too funny! Loved the story behind this cake. Especially the part about yellow liquid leaking out of the holes, which I am sure was a very delicious liquid. You have great photography skills, because the cake looks pretty good no matter what!